



  • Of course, the "(Scalia, J. dissenting)" is missing but I was trying to supply an example that can be supported by current metadata fields stored in the Zotero database. There is simply no way that a Zotero translator (javascript screen-scraper) tod…
  • A few years ago I implemented Onfolio as a tool for editors for a metadata project where I work. I used the tool Dan refers to (cfs2xml.exe, see: and wrote XSL to produce RDF. It probably requires some …
  • Sorry, I probably won't be much help with RDF ontologies or conceptual objects. I do think the second paragraph of your first post is absolutely right though. Please ignore the Cornell LII multi-document approach to decisions - I'm not really s…
  • Yep, "case" is probably not a good term to use generally speaking. A "case" may have several "decisions" rendered by various courts during it's life. I wouldn't distinguish "dissenting opinion" either since it is normally part of the "decision"…
  • According to the latest changelog SSRN has been added: I couldn't get PDFs added automagically in the translator I contributed for various technical reasons that most people don't care about (see ab…
    in SSRN Comment by bill August 21, 2007
  • Hi, I wrote the translator (I'm not a member of the Zotero team, just a contributor and former lawyer). Looks like LII has links that use "" in addition to "" - I'll modify the translator this week t…
  • I have an SSRN translator ready at: A couple of important notes: - log into SSRN first - it doesn't take automatic snapshots of the PDFs since SSRN's method for downloads involves HT…
    in SSRN Comment by bill July 22, 2007
  • 1) yep 2) i guess, but a typical user won't realize that changing this pref will disable attachment functionality used by some translators
  • Turns out the about:config setting "extensions.zotero.automaticScraperUpdates" was set to false. Changing it to true enabled attachments to work for translators that use them. Not sure why the default setting is false.
  • Looks like Zotero's field name for abstract recently changed from "abstract" to "abstractNote." I'll update relevant translators and give Sean a shout when I'm done.
  • Unfortunately, translators are based on "screen-scraping" techniques and are, therefore, fragile. If you post a link to the patent in question, I might be able to fix it and update the translator.
  • Hi Stewart, I'd love to take a crack at L/N and Westlaw. Unfortunately, I don't have active accounts. I last practiced law in 1995 and have been a programmer in Cambridge MA since then. I was recently able to get a reasonably priced stude…
  • yes, please add them
  • Cosponsor should go in "bill" itemType (sponsor is already there).
  • Hey Dan, I saw the thread on the dev group about adding custom types. It looks like a tricky area and will need input from a bunch of stakeholders. "Universally applicable" is a key phrase since legal citation and context varies country to coun…
  • Grieth, I think I have something that should work minimally on both the AustLII and NZLII websites, including search URLs. 1. Replace the target field on the "Metadat" tab of Scaffold with this: http:\/\/www\.(?:austlii\.edu\.au|nzlii\.org)\/(?:\/…
  • Grieth, I had some time to play around with this and tried to see if it was feasible to extract court and judge from the body of the page. It doesn't look good since my tests show that the tagging over the years varies (eg: court names sometime app…
  • Grieth, 1) I'll take a look at adding search link capability. It should be feasible. 2) I agree with you about bloat for expanding court abbreviations. Ultimately they would be better located in a SQLite table. I'll try to see if page scra…
  • Sean, Lets wait and see what Grieth has to say or add, seeing as he's an Aussie. I did some basic testing but nothing extensive. The AustLII resource he pointed us to is pretty amazing and a perfect candidate for Zotero. I might also want to tr…
  • Grieth, I've posted a translator for you in a new AustLII discussion (seemed wrong to post it in a "FindLaw" discussion). see: --bill
    in FindLaw Comment by bill May 8, 2007
  • Hi Grieth, Your best bet would be to try to fit what you need into Zotero's generic case type. Getting buy-in for a new or modified type (eg: "Case (Australia)") could be tricky. That's why I created my own separate/portable version with custom…
    in FindLaw Comment by bill April 30, 2007
  • John, I submitted my LII translator to Zotero last October and got this reply: "We are very impressed with your quick work putting together a translator. Since it requires changes to our item types, it will take some time to roll in, sinc…
    in FindLaw Comment by bill March 13, 2007
  • Unfortunately, many of the cases I'm seeing on FindLaw are PDFs. The javascript "screen scrapers" that Zotero relies on can't extract text from PDF files, only HTML. I do see that the Supreme Court cases that John mentions are HTML. However, I …
    in FindLaw Comment by bill March 8, 2007
  • Also, here is some real documentation:
  • Ok Luis, (remember you asked): C:\Documents and Settings\[User]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[profile-id].default\extensions\\scrapers.sql The stuff in square brackets will vary on your computer. The file is…
  • 1) Sorry, I was indeed trying to indicate that administrative law and regulatory law would be in the same general category. 2) Well, that is something I've been thinking about recently. I would like to see an extensible Zotero container to hold…
  • 1) Probably. Not sure what the distinction is between "Legislation" and "Law" in your Bibliographic Vocabulary. Also, you may want to consider adding something like "Regulation" to apply to things like the C.F.R. since they are created by regulatory…
  • Hi Luis, Looking at the zotero javascript scraper source (scraper.sql), it appears that the url in your browser's address bar must match something like this regular expression: http://web\.lexis-?nexis\.com/universe/(?:document|doclist) …