



  • Okay, I have been looking for a while for exactly this information about how to get the drop down menu for correcting words with Spellcheck. I also realize now that I saw a reference to this on another page, but it was not explicit enough for me to …
  • Further testing shows that one advantage of using the table creator mentioned above allows me to define attributes that are not preserved when blocking and copying from Word. Still cannot get font size or color to change however. Here is the table…
  • Since I can barely understand Twylite's description of May 31 I wonder what to do for mere mortals. Is there an easier way to control the options and version on TinyMCE. As it is I am trying to figure out what I can put in to modify text size and …
  • Okay, well, as I said to begin with, I was hoping to find people with libraries of references they were sharing. I think it is a bit useful to have a community, but of course one could just have a way to link with or other social/profe…
  • Pointless, but completely undermines the sense of a community. It is like graffiti in your workplace: annoying. It means that one has to decide whether this is a real person or not. And since there are hundreds if not thousands, what should be don…