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- emilianoeheyns
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This is mostly the planned design; your suggestion inspired some simplifications that made the cache less complex, leaving less work for the main thread. I'll give the file-reading a go when I come back from holidays in a few weeks, but the boost wo…
Oh and in Z7 the times are 2.9s/15.8s/3s, respectively.
First implementation is done, and it's looking pretty good. I exported the 24k items library, and it looks to be: native: 5.7s, raises load from idle to ~96% (on the foreground thread) bbt, uncached: 43s, raises load from idle to ~112% (in a worker…
At some point in the past, pandoc has added support for Zotero/Mendeley citations, so something like pandoc -f docx+citations -t markdown -i Aristotle.docx -o Aristotle.md should do it without having to dabble with custom CSL styles. I've added th…
Ah and yes, auto-exports are debounced.
The latter would require entries to take up a fixed or maximum size, no? Otherwise what would happen if for example the title becomes longer? There wouldn't be enough space to write the new entry into.
Can there be some indicator when an auto-export is running? A spinner or something, that identifies BBT if you hover over it? Sure, that shouldn’t be hard. Is there something in the UI (preferably available in Zotero 6 and 7) that I can reuse for …
Auto-exports were running, the 'inserting' statements are the cache being filled (turn off the cache, and they will stop). The cache is being overhauled and these will go away entirely, but auto-exports will always incur some load of course.
https://github.com/zotero/utilities/blob/master/utilities.js#L1699 appears `1` isn't allowed in keys. But direct editing of the database is going to mess it up at some point. Why not talk to the web API?
Please do. Slower is also something that needs to be fixed.
zotero-deb is now also in Debian extrepo: https://manpages.debian.org/bullseye/extrepo/extrepo.1p.en.html so instead of fiddling with install scripts, you can now do sudo extrepo enable zotero and install as usual
I have no idea how resetting the cache would affect creating a bibliography this way, so I can't fix the underlying problem.
This imports successfully for me using both standard bibtex import and BBT bibtex import. How exactly is it failing for you?
Please do, because I can't replicate this from the above description
I've rolled out a new release that I think solves the issue. Please let me know whether it does.
I've rolled out a new release that I think solves the issue. Please let me know whether it does.
I've rolled out a new release that I think solves the issue. Please let me know whether it does.
People have come forward, and I have a workaround. but that apparently doesn't solve it for everyone. If you are experiencing this, please still join https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues/2887. If you're experiencing this on Linu…
People have come forward, and I have a workaround. but that apparently doesn't solve it for everyone. If you are experiencing this, please still join https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues/2887. If you're experiencing this on Linu…
And that apparently doesn't solve it for everyone. If you are experiencing this, please still join https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues/2887. If you're experiencing this on Linux or MacOS especially, please join; I'm looking for…
@prdpdx .201 has a workaround for the startup problem
@petemaB I have seen that before for this problem but actually doesn't help me with diagnosis :( @prdpdx can you please join on github? I really, really want to get this fixed but the Zotero forums really aren't great for support for me. The only…
@prdpdx please try version 6.7.190. If you can reproduce on that, we can take it from there.
No one has come forward on the better bibtex github page yet. If you're experiencing this problem, *please* report on github. This is a problem that needs to get fixed urgently, and since I cannot reproduce the problem, I need help from someone who …
No one has come forward on the better bibtex github page. If you're experiencing this problem, *please* report on github. This is a problem that needs to get fixed urgently, and since I cannot reproduce the problem, I need help from someone who can.
Is this the same problem as the connector hanging?
No one has come forward on the better bibtex github page. If you're experiencing this problem, *please* report on github. This is a problem that needs to get fixed urgently, and since I cannot reproduce the problem, I need help from someone who can.
Still no one has come forward on github, and I can't reproduce it myself. So there's currently nothing I can do.
BBT seems to hang on Zotero.Translators.init() for at least one user at https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues/2880
Better BibTeX defaults to LaTeX commands, Better BibLaTeX defaults to unicode, but you can change both those defaults separately.