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- emilianoeheyns
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That doesn't help me fix the problem though, and I really want to fix this. The file.io fallback is present specifically for startup errors.
"If the regular debug log submission does not work, use "send to file.io" from the help menu."
Yes, the issue ticket template explains how at the bottom.
I have put out a new release that allows disabling all of BBTs HTTP server functionality at once, but that is still only useful if we find someone who has the problem.
No one has come forward on github, and I have not been able to replicate the problem. I really want to solve this, but I'll need someone who actually experiences the problem for the diagnosis.
If it happens again, please send a BBT debug log before you do - if there's a problem, I want to solve it.
Even a plugin would run into difficulties here - you can extend the UI, but if you're going to store the data behind those fields in anything but the extra field, it's going to either not sync, or it's likely going to mess with syncing; I've tried t…
There is no "Better bibtex translators folder"; Better bibtex adds translators to the zotero translators folder. If BBT fails to initialize, I will need to diagnose why. Please do open an issue on github.
If this is the problem, it would be pretty easy to diagnose, as I could just globally disable all http server endpoints. But I need someone that can replicate this.
BBT does have a number of handlers there, and I have changed one of the handlers in the past week, but not in a way that would readily explain this. Can you please point them to my github project? Since I can't replicate this myself I'll need a user…
If you disable logging, does the problem reappear? If so, please still send the debug log. It will be less informative but I might still learn something from it.
I can't replicate this on Zotero 6 or 7, so I'll need @zschrag and/or @fuzhiyu to open an issue for this at https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues.
This may be the same as https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues/2856
That's specifically the BetterBibTeX JSON format, which is essentially a dump of the internal item model of Zotero. The other JSON format is Better CSL JSON, but that drops a fair bit of information (specifically, anything not required for rendering…
@mr_jay_pea you may find RIS easier to deal with.
I've picked it up there
If this comes from BBT, I'd have to see the zotero entry it comes from (preferably using a BBT debug log).
Is urldate present in the bib file? That's where zotero's "accessed" date should show up. If it is present, you would have to see what the Harvard style demands, but it'd be pretty strange if it wants something different from urldate.
OK, but what goes in there? the fields you want omitted from the resulting .bib file "Accessed" from the Info display of a citation doesn't work. "Retrieved from" from what appears in my LaTeX document doesn't work, but "urldate" does. It's an entry…
https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/discussions/2800 https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex/issues/1558 (although "authors" is now "creators" -- both will work, but you will find "creators" in the docs)
Oh sorry, didn't read the subject. Bit groggy. I'll get to the settings tonight.
That's replicable. I can fix that tonight.
A new BBT is out to address this.
A new version is out
A new version is out now.
You shouldn't have to, Zotero will generally find the best source to import automatically from the website you're on. It's just that if you use google scholar, that best source won't have abstracts. On publisher sites, clicking the import button sho…
The update mechanism works better than fairly well, it is rock-solid, it's just not instantaneous. Zotero checks periodically whether plugin updates are available, and, if memory serves, should update within 48 hours. Users can manually trigger the …
If you want help with BBT (and it looks to me like you do), support for BBT happens on github, in English.
You can try raw imports and see if that gets you what you want, but managing bibtex (with perfect fidelity) is just not what Zotero is fundamentally about, and you may end up fighting Zotero because you want it to be JabRef.