



  • I took a video of it - please provide me with an email to send to.
  • That's what wasn't working (highlight or no highlight - I tried everything, as you can imagine). But it is now working as long as I don't start with Chicago Manual. So I will indeed let you know if I encounter this again.
  • OK - I fixed it. Thanks adamsmith - here's what I did: As you said, I must have started with the default initially (Chicago Manual) which references in the manner discussed. The problem was that I couldn't automatically switch to something else…
  • That was a bad choice of example then on my part - the same thing happens for *all* the styles. (As an aside, I always used Chicago Manual since its the default, never had this problem before).
  • Zotero v4.0.4 for windows. Word 2010. First I'll choose the style, which will be Chicago Manual of Style (note) and I choose endnote (rather than footnote). At the end of the sentence, I press ctrl-alt-A (alternatively I could mouse to add-ins--&g…
  • all styles. I am on a PC and using Word 2010.
  • Please help! Zotero used to cite multiple sources like this: "Many have tried fibrin as a solution [1-3]" 1. Van Bammel et al... 2. Rossin et al... 3. Soon et al... It is now doing this: "Many have tried fibrin as a soultio…