



  • @aborbel Every reference was re-inserted manually. I re-did all of the citation inserts. I was working with a RIS file that was exported from a web client. Stuff looked good in Google Docs -- and it all got messed up in Word.
  • The Google Docs conversion failed. I manulally re-inserted all of the citations -- all linked to citations that would not format. I then added every citation manually using the Zotero add citation thing. To be very specific -alll the journal ref…
  • @danstillman My tone reflects yours. This is a really stupid issue in Zotero. I Imported every reference new to Zotero for Word. Fresh. The only solution I've heard is to go and remove all of the material from the extra field ... for 100s of re…
  • @poettli -- that works but, I shouldn't have to manually fix this on over 200 records. This is APA style -- it is pretty much the most common format. Seems like Zotero might want eyes on this piece.
  • Yes @dstillman I understand all of that. Also, please don't squak about the Web library not being friendly with other desktops. There are 100s of threads on that. And again -- I've looked at the metadata -- page numbers are populated. There is a…
  • Good on you. But I still am getting the same issue. I had to rebuild the entire library because Zotero web does not export to word properly. I have no issues with the 1000s of files I've done natively in Word. Export to word from GDocs killed my…
  • Yes. Why would Zotero import that to EVERY reference? I've used Zotero like a billion times for papers and never has something like this that spans across all the references happened.