



  • Yes, that would be very good. I didn't know about using the keyboard to see where the collections are but it would be useful to have a right-hand panel view as adamsmith suggests.
  • Yeah, well it doesn't alter its usefulness.
  • I'm new to Zotero so it doesn't matter what version it was introduced in. Maybe I did disable it since it wasn't very useful before and forgot about it - when you start up you haven't got any tags anyway. Thanks again for your help and also the expl…
  • Thanks, and yes I read it = four times. "You can assign a color to a tag by right-clicking on it in the tag selector in the left hand panel" - Well, I (didn't) have a tag selector in the left hand panel in my standalone... Oh yes I do! It was h…
  • Am running v4.0.11 and no colour coding available on Windows... what are you talking about?