



  • Dan, My database does pass the integrity check. I am using a local library only (I have no group libraries) with only manual blue tags (I have automatic tags turned off and I have no automatic tags in my database). The tag selector DOES ma…
  • Hello Dan, Per your message, I investigated whether this problem persists in a "vanilla" setup of Firefox. Attempting to remove a tag from a library item did not cause my menu option Actions>Report Errors... to switch from gray to active, so…
  • Dan (or other Zotero developers), I have the same UI-refresh problem when removing tags. Here is what happens: (1) After selecting a library item in the center pane, I select the Tags tab in the right pane. Typically, I have multiple tags …
  • Oops! I apologize for my ignorance. Now I know. I can't say I entirely agree with Mr. Stillman's response to this "bug" but, as the developer, his word is law. Thanks again.
  • Dan, I like closure so I thought I would wrap up this thread by writing to say my auto-complete problem has disappeared. I hope the credit is due to your work between Zotero version 2.0b7.1, which I was using at the time, and version 2.0b7.4, my …
  • Dan, Yes, I've been using the Advanced Search window to check at every turn. I, too, would have expected a purge to delete it, exactly as with my recent experiment. I also thought that maybe it isn't an orphan after all. But a thorough sear…
  • Dan, Even more weirdness. I was able to recreate the problem with another author, adding a middle initial, then adding a period. Toggling extensions.zotero.purge.creators to 'true' and reopening the Zotero pane, however, *did* remove the orphane…
  • Dan, The mystery deepens. First, I have several articles by this author, let's say it's Herbert Simon. When I change the creator of one article to "Herbert A Simon", it's clear that a new row is being inserted into the auto-complete table. If I…
  • Hello Dan, Thanks so much for your prompt response. I tried closing and reopening the Zotero pane, and I tried quitting out of Firefox entirely and reopening Zotero. In both cases, the creator item was not removed from my auto-complete list. …