



  • Ah - and plus: merge doesn't work with different item type's; so need to know that in advance if you are as unfortunate as to have created an old item with some item type, but the correct one is of a different species. That then needs an extra corre…
  • The only problem is: If you have near infinity citations in a collection, creating a new item puts that one on the top of the list (or in which other way you might be sorting your collection). Try finding your wrongly named one (to CTRL-click and me…
  • Thanks - knew it was an oddball request; it might - in the many multi-lingual work groups around, English being science's lingua fraca, but local habits persisting - though, be more common than reported... @qqbb -> that's a fine workaround for th…
  • That's clear - thanks! And to just hightlight: a connector once "authorized" to save to account A keeps saving to account A - if Zotero is not running locally - even if logged out of any Zotero account one might have... PS - sort of off-topic: Usin…
  • Sorry - of course meant "but the citations still went into the account A's "Web library""...
  • Localized renaming Zotfile renames the item type to a localized version of the item type (i.e. "%T item type (localized)"). Is there a way to get it to rename to the English (or any other) version, even though Zotero is running in German (or any oth…
  • Hm. No sorcerers in the house?
  • No not related - just saw the keyword "bookmarklet" and had to comment :) BTW. A lot of institutions only allow Internet Explorer nothing else. Getting citations into Zotero at work would then be only via bookmarklet via, and back home w…
  • Not directly related, but @HThole mentioned it. Some of us are stuck with the bookmarklet option because of institutional restrictions, i.e. no extension installing allowed, no local Zotero allowed (see…
  • Thanks @gurdas -> was just wondering because it looked fine using Zotero 4.x; now that the profile chooser window goes up (letting me choose between a that installation and a Zotero 5.0 one - see above), both versions look bad; I seem also to hav…
  • Clearly an off topic - but any hope for progress here? Regards
  • Yep - yep: Windows and the preference is off ;) So basically by dragging, Zotero is creating a snapshot-sans-snapshot. Perfect. Would be cool if one could do without the dragging though - perhaps right-click "Save Zotero URL from current page". …
  • There is a distinction: - Right-click snapshot does exactly that - saves the entire page locally. - Dragging URL saves only the URL (i.e. becomes a bookmark) - very handy when doing heavy-duty researching on old computers. Have I stumbled on somethi…
  • And I think this is just a non-Firefox thing...
  • If I e.g. ctrl+shift+v previously copied metadata - e.g. a Medline citation - Zotero checks if it knows the format, calls a translator and imports (hope that's a correct summary). If I ctrl+shift+v an URL copied from the browser's address bar, Zoter…
  • Thanks for your effort!
  • Thanks for the workaround. The problem set is a perhaps common one in closed-source institutions. There's no magic wand because there's no local Zotero (and there's only Microsoft). Using the bookmarklet would provide a way to get in-hospital …
  • One can trick the Swiss army knife -> i.e. ZotFile - into doing the above. ZotFile Preferences -> Advanced Settings -> Other Advanced Settings -> Only work with following filetypes: add your image ending, e.g. *.png. Using Greenshot as…
  • There probably is another reason for not doing so -> would bloat the database. Thank's for the comment - so I'll move the "copy/paste image as attachment" to the feature request section ;) Best
  • Eureka! So I've been driving my IT guys nuts without cause - which is nice for a change... The problem was - I'd been using a pubmed page, and this does not work with IE8 or IE9 -> and now that you put me on the right path -…
  • Just a question off hand: Bookmarklet does not seem to work with IE8 or IE9 (passes the error "Saving failed. No items..."; I don't have access to higher versions - anyone with a thought on if it might work with IE10 -> seems to work with IE11. W…
  • This is sort of stealing the fruit (to stay in the picture) of thy neighbor - or just simple advertisement: take a look at Per Constans cb2bib (that's what I use for pdf metadata) -> He's written something that …
  • I guess "Zotero Retrieve Metadata" "doesn't even look at that data" is absolutely correct - I did not see a reference to anything non-fulltext in the code. I didn't quite understand "but anything that assumes bibtex in XMP fields will almost cert…
  • Yup! If I had the ab(g)ility to do it - I would have done it ;) I looked at the repository today - with no prior idea of how Zotero works down under. The only sensible place I found a reference to pdfinfo is in fulltext.js. This may be too much of…
  • Dan, noksagt: "Does the info available to pdfinfo in PDFs from major sites actually contain useful info?" I don't think so either, and one can't expect that there will ever be a consensus with thousands of journals around. However, as I pointe…
  • noksagt - Sorry for having caused any inconveniences...
  • Thanks all for the comments. Just to get back to you: rquiroga - sure if the PDF extraction incl. the DOI works properly then Zotero retrieves metadata effectively. adamsmith - "I think one of the reasons this isn't done is that there…
  • Mark - 76135 tags is obviously slightly crazy, it was just an attempt to make a point. noksagt - that's actually a work-around that I hadn't thought of; thanks!