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Thank you! Speaking for our Journals, we really do care and want to make the process as easy as possible for authors - so thank you for updating the style, damnation.
Hello - we have made the following style updates: 1. For journal references, issue number is optional 2. For book references, place published and pages are no longer included. 3. For theses/dissertations, place published is no longer included.
That is my mistake. It should be (Mares 2001)
Hello - some authors have reported that our style is adding a comma after et al in the in-text citation. Can that be fixed? example: (Pawelek et al., 2009; Block et al., 2012) Should be: (Pawelek et al. 2009; Block et al. 2012) Thank you, Jess
Is there a way for me to link the other styles to avoid confusion?
Yes - ESA Style is correct, but none of the others.
I haven't checked each one, but Journal of Economic Entomology is forcing numbered citations. I will check them all now and get back to you asap.
Hello - our style is currently forcing numbered citations. Could you please change the style to list references alphabetically by first author surname, and to use the author surname and year in-text?
Hello, The instructions for authors are live: Journal Name (Common Acronym/OUP) OUP Instructions for Authors American Entomologist (AE/AENTOM) Environmental Entomology (EE/ENVENT) https://a…
Wonderful! Many thanks for your work on this! I will let you know when the instructions go live. Jess
Hi, Adam, It seems like CSE is saying that you would create an end reference that cites a page range or item in a journal article ( I don't know how practical this is... if an author wants to include a page range or single page in the …
Hi @ninafogel, we have just unpublished this page for clarity and I am going to push out new instructions for authors for all the Journals this week. Thank you for letting me know about this page. It is an old page that isn't linked to our instructi…
If it is preferred, I can have the instructions for our 9 Journals updated first, and add the style name later.
Hi, @adamsmith, I am sorry for the delayed reply. I wasn't alerted and I only logged in to check on the status. We haven't updated the style yet because I had hoped to put the Reference Manager style name in the instructions to make it easier for au…
Thank you both for your help. Could you please tell me the next steps to update the style? Is this something I should try to do on my end?