



  • Now the PR went to the main, but I got an error: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/7339
  • I tried to follow the tutorial, but I may not have followed the steps correctly. Can you see the pull through these links? https://github.com/LuisMach/styles/pull/1 https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/compare/master...LuisMach:styles…
  • Many thanks for your reply. As this is my first order, I don't know if I did the right steps. I see my pull as closed!
  • I uploaded a CSL file to the repository and made a pull request. Now what are the steps for the style to be in the repository? Thanks in advance for your time.
  • I use Zotero in a Windows environment and have the same question. In version 6 I can save my credentials and I don't see how to do that in version 7. It would be great to have that option again.
  • Please don't get me wrong, I am in no way diminishing the work done! At the time, the rules available in the official guide were extremely limited. It would be difficult to do better with what was available. I know perfectly well the effort requir…
  • Thanks adamsmith for your availability, but I already found out the issue. I had the language set differently in two places: in one it was en-UK and in another en-GB. I changed everything to en-GB and the problem was solved.