



  • @koeglfryderyk, sorry for the late response. I ended up getting Koofr working in the end after all, and it seems that Infinicloud is also a good contender. However, I just filled up Koofr (10GB), so I was revisiting this thread to re-orient myself t…
  • Thanks for the links! Didn't know about ZotMoov - that plus the native renaming method in v7 accommodates my workflow well. I think I can fully move to v7 in that case. I didn't use the 'send to tablet' functionality of ZotFile as it relies on a thi…
  • Hi @michalrentka , thank you for looking into this for us! It's a bit hard to reproduce, especially on video, as it requires a lot of annotations before it surfaces. However, I've caught a recording of it. I've attached a full set of details below.…
  • What seems to be happening is that at some point while annotating a document, the colours get 'locked in' to whatever colour we're currently using. At that point, switching colours will only appear to work in the interface, and the colours as they a…
  • Same issue here, didn't catch this report when I submitted my issue yesterday: