SPIRES site translator

The arXiv site translator works great. However, as a particle physicist, i'm using spires ( http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/ ) for bibliographical information. This database keeps the most complete list of articles published in high energy physics. It also provides a bibtex entry for each article, which, apart from the arXiv identifier, also has the full journal info (and a citation key).
It would be great if zotero could handle that!
  • A translator for SPIRES is now available. Please let us know what you think.
  • Brilliant! Thank you. (to make it perfect the translator could in addition read out the arxiv identifier and slac-citation key)
  • Thanks for adding the SPIRES translator! However, may I second the request to include the arxiv identifier (the 'eprint' field in the BIBTEX data SPIRES generates)? This is an issue that is currently stopping me from using Zotero.
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