How to: csl which counts Nmax to 1


I would like to have an output rtf biblio from my citations where the bibliography starts from N (where N is the number of selected citations) to 1. So it would looks something like:

for 31 citations

[31] first citation
[30] second citation
[29] third citation
[1] last citation

intead of
[1] first citation
[2] second citation
[31] last citation

How can I do that?

  • Interesting use case. I'm curious. Why do you want to do this?
  • The current processor cannot do this: when sort is performed on the citation-number variable in descending order, it instead reverses the sequence of items, and then numbers them in ascending order, starting with 1. This seems to make little sense, so I have introduced a fix that will instead leave the citations in document order, and number them in descending order (as you require).

    Before finalizing the change, though, I am curious why you want to number the entries in this way.
  • Hi
    thanks for the feedback.

    I am an astronomer and wish to have a semi-automatic way to design a nice formatted file with all my bibliography. I am using the ADS abstract service which can provide a full-fledged bibtex file with all my papers. I then include the bibtex in Zotero (and can even separate refereed paper and non-refereed papers).
    I then use Zotero to export these 2 databases into a nice rtf file. I have made a custom one with numbers, but now the last bit which is missing is the ability to do this "reverse" numbering. This is important as then, any person who is reading my bibliography knows directly how many papers I have (since the first number does represent the total number of papers). I find this more instructive than keeping the normal numbering: you then have to go to the end of the list (several pages...) before finding out how many papers you have.

    I hope this is clear. So to make it short: this is to make a nicely formatted bibliography file (rtf) via ADS-> bibtex -> Zotero -> rtf.

  • And those who wonder : you can do this with LaTeX using the \begin{revnumerate} ... \end{revnumerate} function. See :


  • edited July 31, 2011
    Great, thanks for the explanation. Reverse numbering actually does sound more convenient. I'll check in the change, and it should make its way into the next Zotero release.
  • fantastic. thanks! looking forward to using that.
    (not quite sure when I should expect the next release though)

    thanks again.
  • They seem to be coming out at monthly intervals or so.
  • For further information on using citation-number to control sort order and the numbering applied to entries, see this more recent thread..
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