Zotero bar in firefox says "updating citations" for about 2h now ..

Everithing is said in the title ...
  • No, that's not everything.

    What is the "Zotero bar"?

  • the thingy on the bottom of firefox, where you can see the list of papers-books ... that you have in your database. on this bar there ar different buttons :new colection, new group, action, new item, .... ect ... it probably is called somethinbg else but i don't know
  • edited January 28, 2011
    OK, the Zotero toolbar, but "Updating citations" isn't something Zotero says. Read the page I linked to and provide exact text you see on screen if you want help. I still have no idea what you're referring to.
  • Updating citation was the text apearing above the zotero toolbar, in the background, the toolbar was grey.
    It now says "an error has occurred. please restar firefox ..."

    i'll do so and see

    thanks for you help.
  • Thank you again for you help, now if works fine.

    After restarting i got bunch of messages like "The tag 'Transcription Factors' has been added to and/or removed from items in multiple locations. It has been added to the following remote items:
    (sitation) ..."
    And now if works fine, the "Reprot Error" in the action menu is gray, I guess the problem solved itself.

    Thanks again
  • Dear Dan,

    Unfortunately, I have repeatedly experienced a similar problem. To reproduce:

    1. Mostly problems start with creating a new item, especially when using "Create New Item From Current Page" (the last time it was a pdf file).

    2. After using "Create New Item From Current Page", Zotero downloads the content of the page.

    3. "Updating citations" IS something Zotero says. (I have done a screenshot, in case you do not believe me, see below.)

    4. Zotero hangs and does not allow any operation. (Thus it is impossible to report an error before restarting.)

    5. "Updating citations" still IS something Zotero says. The only possible solution is to restart Firefox.

    6. Error messages that might be related (but I have NO evidence for that):

    6.1 The most recent error message in Firefox error console says

    Error: uncaught exception: Error: autoload: can't load the file 'plugins/tex2math.js'
    Message: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

    6.1.1 While writing this message I noticed a new error message (I think I have not done anything that might have caused it)

    Error: this.controller is undefined
    Source File: file:///R:/jano_riha-data/Application_Data/Zotero/storage/BV9TICUV/os-std.js
    Line: 152

    6.2 After restarting I tried to check the "Report Errors" option in Zotero settings. First it was grey, but when I tried again, it was black. The report ID was 1278645401.

    7. The problem with programme hanging seems to be even worse after installing the most recent version of Zotero (2.1.8 version, Firefox 4.0.1, Win XP SP2).

    Thank you for your interest in my difficulties.

  • "Updating citations" IS something Zotero says.
    No, it's not. You installed a Zotero plugin. (Actually, you installed a number of them, but I assume that message is from the "Zotero Scholar Citations" plugin.) We don't support third-party plugins. Uninstall it.
  • Dear Dan,

    Many thanks for such a prompt answer. I have unistalled the Zotero Scholar Citations plugin. I hope it will solve the problems.

    Best regards
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