No sync despite whirring green arrow on Mac.

Both my Windows XP desktop and MacBook were not not syncing to/from Zotero server (yesrterday). Today, my windows PC has completely synced with the server. It's the Mac that has the green arrow whirring constantly with no sync.

I have tried restarting Firefox many times with no results.

Any suggestions?
  • Rebooted MacBook. Zotero is synced now.
  • Don't get your hopes up. I am having the same problems intermittently on my Mac. The thing syncs when you close down Firefox (or your computer) but, in my case, it ONLY syncs on closing down, and then only partially. Would love to know if this is true for you.
  • I had a successful sync after a reboot and firefox launch. After reading some earlier threads, I had already turned off automatic sync before reboot. So far it appears to be working.
    So the sequence that worked on the MacBook:
    Multiple firefox relaunch -> Turned off auto sync on Zotero -> reboot -> launch firefox -> success.

    It still may be a fluke...
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