Mac10.5.8 + Standalone + MS Office 2011

As far as I can tell, there isn't a Word Processor integration for this configuration. Is that correct?

Is there a work-around? I seem to recall that in the past, there's a scripted event that can be run in MS Word for some versions. Is there something similar for the Standalone in Mac10.5.8 running MS Office 2011?

Thanks in advance.
  • We have no plans to support Word integration with standalone and 10.5.x. You can use Zotero for Firefox with Firefox 3.6, or upgrade to 10.6 (it's only $30).
  • whats the point of the standalone if there is no word integration?
  • There is word integration with standalone - just not with OSX 10.5, it's certainly there with the most recent version of OSX (10.6) as well as with windows and linux.
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