style request: STI studies

I need a style for a journal called "Science, Technology and Industry Studies" or "STI-Studies".
It is based on Harvard (author date style), but with the following modifications:

a) in the citation it should be (Johnson/Peters 1995: 125) rather than (Johnson & Peters pp. 125).
-Two authors separated by "/" rather than "&"
-pages cited preceded by ": " rather than "pp."

b) in the bibliography:

-All authors have full first names, rather than initials. (see example below)

-for journal articles and chapters in edited books etc. It should be "In: " instead of "In", i.e. it should included a colon.

-For anything that has page range (again: journal articles, chapters in books etc.) there is no "pp." before the page range .

-journal articles have no issue nr. (see example below)

i.e.: Lütz, Susanne/Richard Deeg, 2000: Internationalization and Financial Federalism. In: Comparative Political Studies 33, 374-405.

-the (ed.) in edited volumes is in brackets:
Streeck, Wolfgang (ed.), 1998: Internationale Wirtschaft, nationale Demokratie. Herausforderungen für die Demokratietheorie. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.

-Websites have the URL without a precending "available at:" but enclosed in brackets, see:
Held, David, 1997: Democracy and Globalization. MPIfG Working Paper 97/5. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.

many many thanks, documentation below.

Articles in Journals and Newspapers
in scholarly journal
Genschel, Philipp, 1996: Variationen des Wandels. Institutionelle Evolution in der Telekommunikation und im Gesundheitssystem. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 37, 56-79.
Lütz, Susanne/Richard Deeg, 2000: Internationalization and Financial Federalism. In: Comparative Political Studies 33, 374-405.
Mustar, Philippe, 1988: Naissance d’une industrie: le logiciel pour micro-ordinateur domestique. In: Culture technique No. 18, 139-145.
in special issue
Manow, Philip, 2000: The Employment Crisis of the German Welfare State. In: West European Politics 23, Special Issue on Recasting European Welfare States, 57-72.
Czada, Roland, 1994: Konjunkturen des Korporatismus. In: Wolfgang Streeck (ed.), Staat und Verbände. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Special Issue 25, 37-64.
in newspaper,
in weekly
Alter, Jonathan, 2001: Crossing the Next Frontier. In: Newsweek 36/2001, 22-24.
Reich, Jens, 1991: Wissenschaft und Politik im deutschen Einigungsprozeß. In: Die Zeit, 21 August 1991, 35.
Economist, 1999: Where Now for Europe’s Right? In: The Economist 11/1999, 12-13.
Books, Book Chapters
Scharpf, Fritz W., 1999: Governing in Europe: Effective and Democratic? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), 1991: Information Technology Standards: The Economic Dimension. Paris: OECD.
Paehlke, Robert/Douglas Torgerson (eds.), 1990: Managing Leviathan. Environmental Politics and the Administrative State. Lewiston, NY: Broadview.
edited volume,
multivolume works
Streeck, Wolfgang (ed.), 1998: Internationale Wirtschaft, nationale Demokratie. Herausforderungen für die Demokratietheorie. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.
Hollingsworth, J. Rogers/Robert Boyer (eds.), 1997: Contemporary Capitalism. The Embeddedness of Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Scharpf, Fritz W./Vivien A. Schmidt, 2000: Welfare and Work in the Open Economy, Vol. 2: Diverse Responses to Common Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
in edited volume
Garrett, Geoffrey, 1996: Capital Mobility, Trade and the Domestic Politics of Economic Policy. In: Robert Keohane/Helen Milner (eds.), Internationalization and Domestic Politics.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 79-107.
Grundmann, Reiner, 1994: Gibt es eine Evolution von Technik? In: Werner Rammert/Gotthard Bechmann (eds.), Konstruktion und Evolution von Technik (Technik und Gesell-
schaft, Jahrbuch 7). Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 13-39.
Papers, Theses, Reports, Online Publications
(working) paper
Weyer, Johannes, 2004: Creating Order in Hybrid Systems. Reflections on the Interaction of Man and Smart Machines. Arbeitspapier No. 7, October 2004. Soziologische Ar-
beitspapiere: Universität Dortmund
habilitation thesis
Grande, Edgar, 1994: Vom Nationalstaat zur europäischen Politikverflechtung. Habilitation thesis. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz.
Thomas, Quincy, 2001: Modeling Social and Demographic Phenomena. Mortality, Inequality and Labor Force Growth. Dissertation. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

conference paper
Hallerberg, Mark, 1999: High Debt Countries in an Integrating World: Why Belgium and Italy Qualified for EMU. Conference paper. American Political Science Association
Meeting, Atlanta, 2-5 September 1999.

CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies), 1999: The Future of Tax Policy in the EU. Unpublished report. Brussels: CEPS.
Scharpf, Fritz W., 2000: Europe, Democracy, and the Welfare State: A Reply. In: Journal of European Public Policy 7(2), forthcoming.

Held, David, 1997: Democracy and Globalization. MPIfG Working Paper 97/5. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.
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