Is it possible to attach notes to files linked to or stored locally?

Just wondering if it is possible to attach notes to files linked to or stored locally. I drag a note under one of these items, and I get a cancelled-out black circle indicating that it's not an option.
  • edited January 29, 2008
    Zotero doesn't work that way--if you have a pdf of a journal article, you should create a journal article item type, then link your file and notes to the article reference. In addition, you can annotate web snapshots directly, but not pdfs.

    What are the files you want to attach notes to?
  • PDFs and Word documents. Too bad you can't do it directly. I have a mountain of PDFs and notes and imagined I could use Zotero to link them together.
  • edited January 30, 2008
    and imagined I could use Zotero to link them together.
    You can, but you'd need to assign a bibliographic record to each document.
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