Firefox crashes when attaching pdf file

Report ID: 1495387669. When trying to link a pdf file as attachment to an entry in Zotero, although the attachment is made, I get an error message telling me to restart Firefox. Any help?
  • could you specify exactly how you try to do this (in order to reproduce the error)?
    I.e. are you using the menu in the attachments tab? Or using "attach snapshot" from the web?
    Out of interest - what happens if you just drag the pdf (or its URL) to the item you want to attach it to?
  • 1) I used the attachments tab ("Add", "Link to File", then browsing & selecting it) and, by the way, the pdf file is stored in a directory on my computer.
    2) I just tried dragging the pdf file (from the directory) to the item - same error message.
  • Addition: I just tried using the "Attachment", "Add", "Save link to current page", with the page of the original pdf file on the web open (not my saved copy of the file), and got the same error message (ID 231350286).
  • If you set "Maximum pages to index per file" in the Search pane of the Zotero preferences to 0, does this still occur?

    Does it occur if you disable all other Firefox extensions?
  • I've got something similar:
    - I was adding a whole bunch of PDFs one by one (this is quite tiresome, as it sometimes takes a couple of seconds for Zotero to import them.)
    - I clicked on a PDF
    - Zotero started adding
    - I clicked somewhere else in Zotero
    - Crash

    Report ID: 636637509
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