translator field missing in MLA bibliography output
Hi. I cannot get Zotero to output the translator field (modified author field) in MLA bibliography format. I tried putting the translator before the author, and this did not work either. Any suggestions?
I previewed the citation in the Zotero Preview Pane (chrome://zotero/content/tools/cslpreview.xul), and it looks like the translator's name appears fine in some of the Chicago styles, but not in MLA or in Chicago (Author-Date) or Chicago (Note without Bibliography).
Can someone fix this, please? It's pretty important to credit the translator. Thanks.
An example -- I get this:
Derrida, Jacques. “Telepathy.” _Oxford Literary Review_ 10 (1988): 3-41.
...instead of this (which is what I want):
Derrida, Jacques. “Telepathy.” Trans. Nicholas Royle. _Oxford Literary Review_ 10 (1988): 3-41.
What I want is this:
Lyotard, Jean-Francois. “Acinema.” Trans. Paisley Livingston. _Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology_. Ed. Philip Rosen. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
What I get is this:
Lyotard, Jean-Francois. “Acinema.” _Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology_. Ed. Philip Rosen. Trans. Paisley Livingston. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986. [translator appears following the book title, rather than following the section title]
Seems minor, I know, but this error makes it seem like the whole book is translated by Paisley Livingston, whereas it is only the section/chapter that is a translation.