collaboration feature
I would like to get a collaboration features. We are a Europe-wide research group and would like to use a free Internet biblio that allows to create a cumulative and collective biblio data base. If I understand well today if you want to share Zotero data bases you have to export the info and send it to the other members of your network who will then import it. This sounds akward and ripe for errors. Or do I miss something, an eventual work around already working?
- Frank
- Frank
It's not impossible, (it's an extension of what some of us do already who keep our Zotero database in sync over multiple machines via a flash drive), but it might not be wise. It's much easer for a single user to avoid messing things up. (Also, such tricks are, I think they say, 'unsupported'.)
I have not tried it out but would an import of the locally created Zoteros files into a central Zotero data base help? In a second step every participant would have to replace his/her outdated local by the new central version. There are several import formats. Which data base format among those listed would be the best when you want to add other Zotero files to your existing data base ?
Or is this just another error-prone idea? Maybe we should drop the idea of creating a collaborative data base with Zotero.
Any better idea ?
- Frank
You'd be working in "no promises" territory, but it might work. I suppose the question is: Can you make it easy enough for the users to: (1) export new work after adding it (2) backup their local database so they don't clobber it if there is trouble, and (3) replace their local database with the upstream one, not forgetting to keep firefox setup to always update to the nearest Zotero version, so you don't get new database versions on old Zotero releases. There are online bibliographic projects which might be more suitable at this point.
I also would be happy to get a multiple users version of Zotero. We would like to create a common database, that any user could enhance.
For that kind of use, Bibus suggests using a MySQL database, that would allow multiple access to the same database from multiple users. Do you have an idea if that would be possible in Zotero 2.0 version, and when that release would be available ?
thanks in advance,
The full scope of the, shall we say, web 2.0 features of zotero will, aproapriately perhaps, be released with Zotero 2.0.
If this approach were possible, then the paper itself could be edited directly in xml, i.e. on google wave or another collaborative web-based editor. With an appropriate plugin, Firefox could handle web-based editing as well as bibliography management.