English translation of a book (APA style)

Zotero's handling of an English translation of a book is still somewhat incorrect, at least in APA style.

For example, Zotero produced the following reference to an English translation of Pierre Bourdieu's book Science de la Science et Réflexivité:

Bourdieu, P. (2004). Science of science and reflexivity (R. Nice, Tran.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

However, the correct APA style reference is (see page 251 of the APA publication manual, 5th edition):

Bourdieu, P. (2004). Science of science and reflexivity (R. Nice, Trans.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Original work published 2001)

Here are the shortcomings of Zotero. 1) Zotero lists R. Nice as "Tran." instead of "Trans." 2) there doesn't appear to be a way to include the line "original work published 2001...it seems that in the "info" field of Zotero, there needs to be a field in which to input the date of original publication, 3) If I were to reference this book in the text of my paper, Zotero would write the reference as Bourdieu (2004)...however, the correct APA style citation would be Bourdieu (2001/2004).
  • FWIW, the styling language (CSL) can support original publication information. But Zotero cannot (yet).
  • This is very necessary specially for people working with translations. For example, I'm working on Spanish, so a lot of bibliographical references are in English. In that sense I need to cite the original source, as the translation of some books to Spanish.

    Can I try creating a new Style based on the APA Style?
  • Is the Trans. vs. Tran still wrong? I can fix that quickly.
    For the date issue (i.e. 2 and 3 in the OP), Zotero just doesn't have the capability at this point, so there's nothing a style fix could do.
  • Thanks adamsmith: But the special problem concerns with the date issue.
  • adamsmith:

    By the way I'll start testing this version that you re-build before:


    Thanks, for all your help!
  • adamsmith:

    For the substitution of "&" for "y" I just edit the style following some of your changes. For example where there's a "symbol" y replaced for "text"...

    The main problem here is with the date on the bibliography and on citation, as UT27 noted before. We need the date of the original publication and the translation as well.

    The thing regarding tran. or trans. I don't see any problem. On my case using Firefox on Spanish, I see correctly trad. So there's no work to do with this, instead with the date issue, there's work to do.
  • as I said - the date issue is unrelated to APA (or styles in general). This has to be done in Zotero first.
  • Thank you, adamsmith:

    I'm solving, the problem, temporary. I'm using the category "Serie" (remember that I'm using a Spanish version of Firefox) to add the information of the original publication on the bibliography. At the same time I'm editing the citation.

    In that sense I can have something very similar of the above requirements of the same example:

    Bourdieu, P. (2004). Science of science and reflexivity (R. Nice, Trans.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Original work published 2001)

    And with citations as: Bourdieu (2001/2004), or (Bourdieu, 2001/2004)

    Anyway I hope that when Zotero supports CSL version 1, will help us working easier with translated publications. Anyway it can be worked by now.
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