Zotero Standalone Libreoffice integration Linux
Again a problem with the LibreOffice integration. The plugin installs fine into libreoffice, the chosen java- environment is oracle's jre1.6.0_23. Still, as soon as I click one of the zotero-icons in libre-office I receive a message that the appropriate firefox-addon is not installed.
The Report-ID is 1382059310
The Report-ID is 1382059310
1) Are you on a x86_64 system (does "uname -p" show x86_64)? If so, you should install the x86_64 version of Zotero Standalone. The i686 version won't be able to load x86_64 Java.
2) Does Java work in Firefox (e.g. at http://javatester.org/version.html)? If so, can you provide an error report from there?
ReportID 944393329
Same with the Firefox-Version. I am bit out of my depth here, it seems