Style Request: Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata


I'm submitting a paper to the journal Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (EEA) and would like to use Zotero to format my citations and lit cited. There is no citation style in the repository for this journal. Can someone help me make one? Or, I should say, can I help someone make one? I have a small amount XML language editing experience.

Here's some information on the journal citation style:

The style appears to be similar to the style of Oecologia, which is in the Zotero Repository.

The differences I've found between EEA and Oecologia are as follows:

(1) In citations, EEA requires a comma between author name(s) and year.

(2) In citations with only two authors, EEA uses an ampersand (&) rather than "and" between the author names.

(3) In the bibliography, an ampersand (&) precedes the last author's name in EEA.

(4) Journal titles are not abbreviated in EEA

(5) References to book chapters are quite different than any other style I've seen. The style is: Chapter authors (Year) Chapter title. Book Title (ed. by Editors) Publisher, Place Published,Chapter pages.

The Instructions for Authors, with complete information on the citation style, can be found here:

Would someone be willing to help me create a style for EEA? I'll work on the editing, but this job is over my head. Thanks in advance!
Adam Z.
  • I managed to make the required changes myself and created a new .csl file for Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. I posted the code on, so that it can be added to the Zotero Style Repository. Here is the git clone URL:

    git clone git:// gist-757791

    Adam Z.
  • thanks - I'll get to putting this up on the repository ASAP.
  • finally gotten around to adding the style
    Thanks a lot for contributing.
    I've added the Creative Commons license - it should have been there anyway as it's in the Oecologia style this is based on and I assume it's just an oversight, but please let us know you don't agree.
    I've also taken out one invalid line of code that didn't do anything.
  • The Creative Commons license is completely fine with me. Thanks for adding the license and cleaning up the code.
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