Printing a List of Tags

Is there any way to print out a hard copy of all tags in a library?
  • I, too, have looked - in vain - for a way of printing a hard copy of all tags. This seems important since currently it is not easy to keep an overview of one's tags. One can easily become inconsistent with tagging in the current system, esp. as the number of tags grows and one does not remember how exactly one named a tag: e.g. 'module_argumentation' oder 'argumentation_module', and using two or more different tags for the same thing makes the use of tags inefficient. The tags drop down list is of limited value for this. Currently, there is no quick way of viewing all tags, esp. not if one is in a particular collection - then even the "select all" option shows only all tags used in that collection. So, one has to go to 'Library' and then scroll down through the tags to see how one has entered the tag. It would be helpful if one could see or better leave open a display of all tags in use, which would get automatically updated whenever a new tag is added. One could then also print this display (but that would then be out of date as soon as a tag is added). It would be fantastic if one could develop a 'structured' tag system for oneself - with major concepts, and then hierarchical sub-divisions (e.g. module, - argumentation, -metarepresentation etc.) Tags can be extremely helpful - but one needs to carefully control them.
  • I am using tags more and more and I would really like better tag organizing too - particularly I would have liked to work on a list of my tags where I also can explain (to myself) what the tag really means. I'm currently planning to make this list in a spreadsheet, but it would be much better if it was integrated in Zotero. It would also be great to see how many times each tag has been used int the list. Finally, I want to thank everybody working with Zotero - it's a great tool!
  • This does seem essential -- and maybe not too hard to implement. Alas, I have resorted to excel spreadsheet as well.
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