Record number from EndNote to Zotero
I transfer my database from EndNote to Zotero, but I have the impression the record number in EndNote , which is very useful for me as all my articles printed are classifed with this number, have not been imported.
Does anyone now if i can imported it?
Does anyone now if i can imported it?
I had to do this too. Not my idea, but I had to..
The solution is actually fairly easy; Endnote lets you modify the export-styles... I found it in another forum at
- in Endnote, go to Edit/OutputStyles/OpenStyleManager
- select EndNote Export, rightclick, edit Style
- before changing anything, save it under another name
- Under Bibliography, Templates, you can see the output of this style. Find the %L - Entry and replace 'Call Number' with 'Record Number'
- save
- choose this style to export and import in Zotero
Hope it helps. Cheers, and thanks to the folks at the EndNoteListArchive, you guys made my day :)
For me this doesn't work, if I export all References in this Format Zotero will throw an import error. Somehow the RefManRIS File is corrupt... It only works for exports with a few references at a time.
(line 36), the "ID" field is mapped to "itemID" on the import. Any chance of somehow displaying this itemID in Zotero?
It's even worse to be hacking Zotero to be sticking these data in other fields, which are not designed to hold that data.
FWIW, I do think Zotero should add some explicit support for user IDs and labels, and to in general do a better job distinguishing user data from reference data, but we're clearly not there yet.
(Wrestling with End(-of-days-)note X2, and a large library approaching 3000 records).
First pass, very similar to haddock's suggestion in 2008.
Opened RIS output style for editing, ("save as" first, just in case...), then in each ref type of the bibliography inserted "CN - `Record Number|". ("CN" is the RIS field tag for call number). Unfortunately, Endnote itself doesn't follow this faithfully even though I used its own "insert field" command to do so. The txt file shows "CN - `Record Number|" for some records, but others correctly, e.g. "CN - 2981". It also inserted line breaks between the CN field and the ER field, even though I was careful to follow its format when editing the style. Interesting.
Also interesting is that Zotero will label some as having a call number 0000, others 0001, 0002, etc, (maybe 5-20 each, with less of them the higher the call number value it assigns), throw a few call numbers in that actually look like the ID number I was trying for, and list absolutely nothing for the vast bulk of the rest.
I can also tell you that trying to delete these and other failed imports, and emptying the trash, have frequently cause Firefox to freeze, crash once so badly I needed ctl+alt+del, and a couple of times just have to restart firefox. For the last, I recommend you install a firefox add-on that installs a restart button (search add-ons with "restart").
Second pass: Have also attempted to edit the txt file in MS Word, but also failed so far. I tried find-and-replace (ctl+H), substituting "ID " with "CD " (the double space stops me screwing up words or "ID" acronyms in the records). Its done the same thing as above.
This suggests that a) Word is doing something weird to the text file that replicates the error described above, which seems unlikely or b) apart from Endnote not recognizing its own code, Zotero itself has a problem importing anything in the CN field, (or at least CN values that are a straight four digits).
In fact, my computer was running extremely slow when trying to import them (I'm writing this in Chrome browser).
This IS the 6th time I've imported the library tonight. I've deleted the records each time, but... I wonder if there is a problem with records be compared and filtered against something on a Zotero server? When I tried to empty the trash, Firefox froze so badly I had to ctl+alt+del to get out.
Anyone got more recent, functioning ideas?
I really don't care for Endote (E) save to get past the exporting problem into Zotero (Z), but I take your point. Unfortunately, I can't find any pattern, and I am pretty sure now this is a Z problem.
I can get an export of 2812 records in RIS format. I can do a find-and-replace of all record numbers ("ID") to label them "CN" no problem. The, after Zotero chews through that large load, it lists, say, the first 20 or 50 references as having call number 0000. Then there's another bunch that come in as having call number 0001. Then another (less of them) having call number 0002. And so on until the teens, where it seems to peter out to just a couple of duplicates (e.g. only two records having call number 0015), and then it starts using (what I assume are) the original CN values from the corrected export file (they look right).
I tried your advice on doing things in batches. I chose a little over 200 records, did the same as above, and then ran into the same problem. Here's a sample of two from the RIS export that will display as call number 0000.
AU - Jørgensen, LL
AU - Primicerio, R
PY - 2007
TI - Impact scenario for the invasive red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815)(Reptantia, Lithodidae) on Norwegian, native, epibenthic prey
SP - 47-54
JF - Hydrobiologia
VL - 590
IS - 1
N1 - Impact scenario for the invasive red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815)(Reptantia, Lithodidae) on Norwegian, native, epibenthic prey
CN - 2880
ER -
AU - Al Jazeera
PY - 2010
TI - Malaysia: Killer bite
N1 - 101 East
N1 - Al Jazeera
Y2 - 21 October
UR -
CN - 2879
ER -
Also, as a request-to-developers, I'd suggest a right-click option to stop the syncing process. I can start it, but once its in train, I can't see a way to cancel.
Regards 'have to' c+a+del out of FFox, it was a case of the whole program being frozen for several minutes. Perhaps, as you suggest, it just needed time for such a large batch.
Advice and wisdom gratefully received.
This doesn't explain, however, the numbering 'system' that Zotero DOES come up with. That is puzzling. Why work for some, not others?
The problem with tagging it as M1 or M2 is that I wish to sort the Zotero library by the Endnote record number to aid with transition (that's how my mind works in navigating the references). Unfortunately, I can't see any way to get it to do so.
Another note to developers: being able to sort records by more fields than just given in Zotero now would be great.
Cheers aj
AJ - Yup! There is indeed some funny sort of sequence stuff going into the Call Number field, only after I have modified the exported RIS .txt file. (With the cavet on lots of 0000, 0001 and so on before we start seeing what look like real numbers, as stated above).
I've just imported an UNmodified version of the whole library, and all the Call Number fields are empty.
If you send me your e-mail, I can send you a copy of the files I have used. Maybe there's an obvious explanation that I am just not getting. Note, however, that I have not cross referenced the call numbers that LOOK right in the Z library with those in the E library, but a) the numbers didn't seem to go any higher than the E record numbers, and b) a cursory glance at the record and its Z Call Number seemed right (i.e. "yeah, 523... That's about the time I was looking at Smith and Wesson"). I can check tomorrow, but I'm pretty confident.
adamsmith - yup, got that one, cheers. But I think we are in agreement about its extension in future versions. Please. (Of course, Mr. Smith, now that I have you here, I am inclined to take you to task over this 'economics' thing you've started...)
Thanks again