How do we get on the list of known link resolvers?

Hi, I'm a librarian at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I'd like our users to be able to use the "Search for Resolvers" button in Preferences to identify our resolver.

I assume that means we need to get on this list of resolvers:[]=resolver&s[]=list

Where do I send our resolver URL and IP addresses to make this happen?

Thanks very much!
  • no. The list is an incomplete list of institutions - it's in wiki form and you can just get an account and add RPI if you want to.

    But that won't affect the automatic detection - Zotero just looks for an sfx or openurl on the respective network - so this might already work for you. If not, it won't be that able to fix.
  • Thanks very much to both of you for your help. I added our library to the wiki page.

    We do have our SFX resolver registered on our library's entry in OCLC's WorldCat registry with our current IP addresses, and have for a while, so I wonder why the "Search for Resolvers" option isn't bringing up our entry. Does it do a live lookup of the registry, or does it use a cache somewhere?

    I'll double check this with some other Zotero users around here, but if anyone that can confirm or deny that Search for Resolvers is working on their campus at the moment, I'd be appreciative!
  • Actually, that does seem to be down for me as well, despite the fact that manually calling
    seems to respond with reasonable-looking content.
  • yes, same problem for Notre Dame.
  • If Zotero originally used the OpenURL Resolver Registry, maybe something in how Zotero looks up the resolvers broke when that registry became part of the WorldCat Registry?

    Just a guess... I'm not sure when either of these events (brokenness and switch to WorldCat registry) occurred, and I have no knowledge of how the lookup happens.

    It's good (and also bad) to know it's not just me. :)
  • edited January 26, 2011
    At Deakin Uni, we are also seeing the same problem with "Search for resolvers" in advanced preferences. This appears to have been broken for a couple of updates now.

    Using wireshark, I can see the request go out to the WorldCat registry, and I can see the valid response come back in, but Zotero is not updating its OpenURL resolver preferences.

    (And not having looked at the code, what does Zotero do, it the WorldCat registry response indicates that the resolver can handle both version 0.1 or 1.0 queries)

    The problem was showing in 2.0.9, and also in 2.1b4
  • Greetings all. I apologize for this question. Can you point me to the information I can share with my IT folks here at Kent State University so they can register and/or set up the Open URL (our resolver) that our users can use with Zotero ?? I apologize if I am not phrasing my question correctly. But maybe it's a start ?

    Thanks for whatever information you can share !
  • The users need the base url (with port) of your openURL server and they can enter that in preferences, advanced. Do you use SFX?
  • Thank you zuphilip ! I asked and we do not use SFX. We are using serials solutions. I did enter the base URL as you noted in the Prefernces Advanced, etc. I *think that is allowing concoctions to the journal articles that we are subscribed to. Are there steps to enter the serials solutions info so that we can register on Zotero listing ? Thanks again !
  • As per above, Zotero doesn't have a registry of its own.
    Make sure your info is up to date with OCLC:
    which is where Zotero looks.
  • Thanks again ! I will tell our is folks to take care of entering on OCLC. Again, thanks.
  • These look like the up to date instructions (.doc file)
  • Thanks ! again :-)
  • I took a look at the Zotero source code and found that it was looking for the wrong indicator for OpenURL 0.1 in the response from the WorldCat Registry. (Maybe OCLC changed the spec?) I've submitted a fix.
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