convert citations in word document from endnote-based into zotero-based


is there, or will there be a option to transform a document that is written with endnote support (citations linked with endnote database) into a document where the citations are based on a zotero database? (When the endnote database is correctly imported into zotero of course.)

Background: I have already written about 120 pages of my dissertation in word 2000/endnote6 combination. I only stick to word because of the endnote integration and would be happy to switch to zotero/openoffice. But it will be hard work to change all references/citations manually. And I will have the problems with other documents as well, when re-using parts of it. (note: by the way: does zotero maintain its citations when importing a document from word into openoffice?)

thanks for any help
  • Thanks Dan,

    for the link. I checked before opening the discussion only the import/export and the new feature category. Sounds like there is an tool on the way - can't wait for it to start migrating from word/windows/endnote to openoffice/linux/zotero.

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