2.1b4 copy to clipboard error
I've never commented here before, so I hope you'll forgive me if this has already been discussed. I upgraded to 2.1b4 to use the standalone (which is great btw). I use an Oxford citation style imported from a .ens file provided by my university. Since the upgrade, i've been getting "An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again." I'm assuming that this is a support problem for styles on the beta? I rely on zotero, so any info about patches would be most helpful.
I've never commented here before, so I hope you'll forgive me if this has already been discussed. I upgraded to 2.1b4 to use the standalone (which is great btw). I use an Oxford citation style imported from a .ens file provided by my university. Since the upgrade, i've been getting "An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again." I'm assuming that this is a support problem for styles on the beta? I rely on zotero, so any info about patches would be most helpful.
Report ID: 459264145
or, if you feel up to it
for writing one yourself - it's not that hard to try to figure things out starting from here
and we're always happy to help.
[JavaScript Error: "syntax error" {file: "http://pcweenies.net/feed/" line: 1 column: 50 source: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">"}]
Report ID: 769429703
This may be a coincidence, or it may mean that it isn't just my .ens.
[JavaScript Error: "bib[0] is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/cite.js" line: 258}]
(Dan: Would installing styles from the repository work in 2.1? Are they auto-converted?)
Creating using keyboard shortcut from the same item works just fine.
2.1b5 on FF3.6.13 / Mac OSX 10.6.6 - worked fine before Zotero upgrade from non-beta. This is the first beta I have used.