2.1b4 copy to clipboard error


I've never commented here before, so I hope you'll forgive me if this has already been discussed. I upgraded to 2.1b4 to use the standalone (which is great btw). I use an Oxford citation style imported from a .ens file provided by my university. Since the upgrade, i've been getting "An error occurred generating your bibliography. Please try again." I'm assuming that this is a support problem for styles on the beta? I rely on zotero, so any info about patches would be most helpful.
  • [JavaScript Error: "XML.toXMLString is not a function" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/style.js" line: 489}]

    Report ID: 459264145
  • edited January 19, 2011
    And this same style worked before the upgrade? With 2.1b2? Or 2.0.9?
  • As a general note, imported Endnote styles have never been terribly reliable and Endnote styles are more limited than Zotero's own format even in Endnote itself. If you're going to stick with Zotero and it's an important style, it's probably worth investing time in getting a .csl style working.
    or, if you feel up to it
    for writing one yourself - it's not that hard to try to figure things out starting from here
    and we're always happy to help.
  • Yes it did work just before I upgraded, and it's always been a reasonably well-behaved style. If I could get it supported then i'd be very happy.
  • before which upgrade? Did you ever have this working in one of the 2.1b versions or just in the 2.0?
  • As far as I know I had already upgraded to 2.1b2, but I may have skipped a version. On another interesting note, i tried downloading History Journal from the style repository to see if it would work, and got another error.

    [JavaScript Error: "syntax error" {file: "http://pcweenies.net/feed/" line: 1 column: 50 source: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">"}]
    Report ID: 769429703

    This may be a coincidence, or it may mean that it isn't just my .ens.
  • that's not a Zotero error (the Zotero error report picks up some other noise, too) - do you actually observe any problem with the History Journal style? If so, what exactly.
  • Apologies, I obviously copied the wrong code. I think this was the one that corresponds to the History Journal error (yes I get a javascript error just like my .ens):

    [JavaScript Error: "bib[0] is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/cite.js" line: 258}]
  • Almost all errors in Zotero are JS errors, because Zotero is written in JS. That's not related.
  • The question is still - not looking into the error report - what happens when you (try to) install the History Journal style? When you cite something in that style?
    (Dan: Would installing styles from the repository work in 2.1? Are they auto-converted?)
  • It installs. Then when I attempt to create a bibliography from History Journal or my Oxford template in any capacity (RTF, Clipboard etc) it doesn't work and I get an error. All other styles seem to work. The reason history journal came up is because it is a close relative of oxford and I was hoping to use it instead.
  • edited January 28, 2011
    I believe I get the same error (report ID 646156652). It only happens when I try to create a bblipgraphy export using right-click entry --> create bibliography from selected item... --> Copy to clipboard.

    Creating using keyboard shortcut from the same item works just fine.

    2.1b5 on FF3.6.13 / Mac OSX 10.6.6 - worked fine before Zotero upgrade from non-beta. This is the first beta I have used.
  • edited February 7, 2011
    Seems to have vanished since or it may have been something with my configuration. Can't reproduce anymore, still on 2.1b5.
  • I am still getting the problem on b5 unfortunately. None of the dev styles or imported .ens styles work at all.
  • In b7 the dev styles now work. Fingers crossed for my .ens style in the future.
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