Citation error in Word 2007 Mac OSX - notebook layout only

Hi guys,

I have come across an error when trying to cite in the notebook layout in Word 2007 on my Mac OSX 10.6.4, Firefox 3.6.12.

error reads:
Zotero experienced an error updating your document

COMMAND: app(u'/applications/microsoft office 2008/microsoft').make(new(=k.field,with_properties={k.field_type: k_field_print_date},at=appu(u'/applications/microsoft office 2008/microsoft').selection.text_object)
me thinks script? It happens with all styles, and only in notebook layout... it works perfectly in other layouts (ie print layout). I have reinstalled it all a few times.

any ideas?
  • We've never tested it in notebook layout, and I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work. The error message seems to indicate that this is probably not something we can fix because required functionality isn't present in notebook layout, but this is something I'll need to look into further.
  • I've discovered this, too. Guessing that its an issue that MS Word has limitations in Notebook layout (you can't view track changes in Notebook layout, for example).

    But, any further confirmed info, Simon, on the root of the problem?
  • It's not something we can fix. We should provide a better error message, but notebook view does not support Word fields, which Zotero needs to link citations to items so that the bibliography can be automatically updated. You can use quick copy to generate citations from Zotero items, which may be sufficient for some use cases, but the Word toolbar will never work in notebook view, at least as notebook view is currently implemented.
  • Thanks, Simon! That Quick Copy function is pretty great! Just discovered it.
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