File Editing access denied - Private group


I am running zotero 2.0 on Windows XP and am having trouble syncing to a private group. On the 'Groups' tab on the Zotero website, it says I can access and edit the files in the shared library. However, upon opening Firefox (version 3.6) and pressing the green sync button I get the message:

You no longer have file editing access to the Zotero group 'UIS', and files you've added or edited cannot be synced to the server....

If I cancel a few times and click the sync button again I eventually get the message:
"File editing denied for group"

I read on a previous forum thread that the problem was having file attachments on entries for public groups ( Yet in my case I am denied access to a private group. Any help would be most appreciated.

  • Already solved the problem.
  • Some items in the library had attachments in PDF format that could not be accessed. Instead, Zotero gave the following error message: "The attached file could not be found. It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero." Deleting these attachments solved the problem and it was possible to sync again.
  • Hi S. Bell.

    Can you indicate how you solved the problem?

  • see the post by huebler.
  • Hello,
    A member of our private group (who has admin priviledges) keeps having problems editing items in the group library. She receives the message "access denied". We have tried deleting her as a member and re-inviting her...she's tried logging out and logging back in and hitting refresh to no avail.

    No other members of the group are having this issue so it does not appear to relate to files.

    any suggestions?
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