Word and straight / 'smart' quotes

Hi. I've got my version of Word (2003, if it matters) set to auto-convert my straight quotes to smart quotes. (Don't ask why.) When I add footnotes to my document via Zotero, I get straight quotes and can't change them to match the rest of the document. Or, more precisely, the quotation marks are smart quotes in the text of the actual citation, but when I add to this via the editor, any text beyond the citation itself will only include straight quotes. So, is there a workaround, or should I just set Word to stick with straight quotes and avoid the problem?

Thanks for any answers anyone might have!
  • good catch - that should be fixed eventually.

    Workaround: Type whatever you want to put in the editor with quotes in Word (which will automatically put smart quotes) - then copy&paste into the show editor field. The smart quotes should be maintained.

    On a side note - I'd recommend trying to avoid using the show editor function (see the warning it prints - the citations stop updating). You can do almost anything using prefix and suffix field. The same workaround applies.
  • This is already fixed for Zotero 2.1 :)
  • Is there a roadmap for 2.1 being released?
  • It will likely be several months. For now, you are best off following adamsmith's workaround, or typing the quotes by key combination (on Windows, hold down the Alt key while typing 0147 for the opening quote or 0148 for the close quote).
  • Hi, while the double quotation mark is fixed in the latest version, the simple quotation (') or the apostrophe (word's) is not and continue to show a straight mark instead of a formatted one. Working with MSW 2003 standard typography Times News Roman I get the straight mark in the footnote. I tried to copy&paste into the editor (in title, journal name, etc) and didn't work. Is there any solution to that?
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