WebDAV sync with a synology nas (DSM3) ?


First of all sorry for my bad english.

I've zotero and I want to sync my database on my nas (synology Ds-710+ with the last diskstation manager : http://www.synology.com/enu/DSM3.0/WebDAV_Support.php ).

Since few months, I use mydrive.ch... but it's free only up to few space (my nas has got lots of space!).

How can I configure that ?

I've got a no-ip adress for my nas http://xxxx.no-ip.info). I've created a folder named zotero in my nas.

I ask for that in a nas forum... without reply, so I try here, on the other side, in the zotero forum.

  • I'm using a Synology DS209 device with an older disk station manager (DSM) version: version 2.3. I'm using the SabreDAV PHP 5 WebDAV software. It is working for me. I'm also using dyndns to provide a dynamic IP address so that I can access it from the outside world. It works fine, but it took a lot of effort. I'm using the device through https, and followed the instructions at http://forum.teamdrive.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&p=3168
  • Thanks few.

    Finally, it works with DSM 3 and without other software.

    My topic in a french forum : http://www.nas-forum.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16868-utilisation-du-protocole-webdav/

  • Pourriez-vous reposter le lien?

    [#10342] Nous ne pouvons pas déterminer le forum dans lequel se trouve ce sujet.
  • Try this without space. Tell me if it works.

    http :// tinyurl . com /2wnkgls
  • Non:

    [#10342] Nous ne pouvons pas déterminer le forum dans lequel se trouve ce sujet.
  • nas-forum, firmware dsm 3 beta, syno007's topic

  • Enfin ca fonctionne. Ca ne fonctionnait pas parce que je n'avais pas inscrit au site nas-forum. L'eur message d'erreur disait "Nous ne pouvons pas déterminer le forum dans lequel se trouve ce sujet," alors j'avait malcompris la probleme.

  • Pas de problème.
    Je t'invite à poster des commentaires directement là-bas si tu en as ;)
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