Making Zotero and Endnote live together nicely


I'm still playing with Zotero, and there are times when I want to be sure that I'm getting the full citation properly (Zotero is still a bit iffy on some things), so I want to import a citation to Endnote. But when I try to download an RIS file, Zotero automatically grabs it. Is there a way to reset the default so that Endnote will open the RIS file? Thanks.

  • You can change this setting in the Zotero preferences (which you can access in the "gear" menu). Just uncheck "Use Zotero for downloaded Endnote files."
  • If possible, it'd be neat if Zotero could create and serve "Endnote files" to the default desktop application.

    In this way, Zotero could be the default catcher for these files on the web, but one could more easily share the citation information with other desktop reference software.
  • Zotero exports RIS, which Endnote can import. I think that's quite enough. Figuring out how to write out Endnote binary files is a needless waste of resources given everything else the Zotero team has on its plate (including completely replacing the functionality offered by Endnote).

    If you're worried about seamless Endnote integration, I'd suggest you instead ask the Endnote develelopers to do a better of job of desktop integration (say with support for scripting, which last I checked, they don't support). But you'll probably end up waiting years for it given that company's history.
  • @bdarcus:
    I agree that RIS export is enough & wasn't advocating Endote binary export (I was merely using the nomenclature that Zotero uses for online RIS files--hence the quotes).

    What I want is a little bit of "sugar" for the export. Rather than exporting to a file & importing that file into Endnote, it would be nice if you could click one button & have a RIS file generated locally & be given as a new location with the correct mimetype, so that whatever desktop-based citation manager which would normally automatically process RIS references would pop-up.

    Alternatively, I suppose that it would be nice if Zotero could be set to catch RIS files, but still allow Endnote to catch them too.

    I'd imagine that the development costs of either of these would be small & would benefit ALL desktop applications which can process RIS--not just Endnote.
  • Thanks to all. Bruce
  • In the newest version of Zotero, there is no entry under Preferences for "Use Zotero for downloaded Endnote files," so that can't be unchecked. Zotero is grabbing all my files. Please help!
  • @mbluth:

    "Use Zotero for downloaded RIS/Refer files" = "Use Zotero for downloaded Endnote files"

    Just uncheck that box in the prefs.
  • Thanks, Dan Cohen. I did uncheck that box, but it's still grabbing the files.
  • Not sure if this will help, but have a look at how your download actions are configured in Firefox preferences. Firefox --> Preferences --> Content --> File Types --> click on "Manage".
  • Thanks. I did check Tools->Options->Content->Manage->File Types but saw only the usual types (.wma, .mp3, etc.). I'll keep working on it.
  • It turns out that you have to close Firefox (open and close it a few times) before you get the screen asking you what you want to do with your RIS file. After that, you can use the drop-down menu to go into your computer and find the endnote.exe file (do not choose WebHelper). After that, the materials will download correctly into Endnote.
  • Hi,
    How can I export just some references (not whole the library and not a map in the library)from Zotero to EndNote web? I have tried with RIS but it dosen't work. Anyone who has experience on that?
  • Please don't post in multiple threads.
  • Sorry, but I cannot find "Use Zotero for downloaded RIS/Refer files" in the newwest Zotero standalone version.I looked in each tab of the preferences Menu. Can someone tell me how to disable it?.
  • It should be in the General tab and is now called "Use Zotero for downloaded BibTeX/RIS/Refer files"

    If you don't see it, please take a screenshot of the General tap, post it on an image hosting site and link to it on the forums. Also, please start a new thread for this issue if you can't find the setting.
  • no - this is a function only of Zotero for Firefox. It does not appear in Zotero Standalone and Zotero Standalone will not intercept downloaded BibTex/Refer/RIS files
    What is the actual problem you're having?
  • Thanks. I will. At least I know now it is not me.
  • I have my main libraries in Endnote and other teams have theirs in Zotero so I need to be able to see their library, but still downloading references in endnote, but know zotero captures them
  • Sorry. I did not read properly your post. Right now, every time that I want to download a reference from a search engine it goes directly to Zotero, so Zotero standalone seems able of intercepting RIS references as I did not have this problem before downloading Zotero.
  • Do you mean that Zotero intercepts it right when you click to download it or when you try to open it after downloading?
  • for example I am in JSTOR and I select export one citation. I chose RIS because I want it in Endnote and click( I know Zotero uses RIS also).I dialog box appear asking about whether I want it open or save. usually I say open because that makes endnote to import the refernce automaticaly. But now, after choosing open, a text box appears saying : Do you want to import the file "citations (1).ris"? with an option of import to a new collection.If I click OK then the Zotero main page appears with the reference imported.
  • you should be able to select default applications in Windows:
  • I'm using a Mac (OS 10.9.2), running Safari 7.0.3, with Zotero 4.0.19, and Endnote X7.

    I was having the same problem with Zotero intercepting RIS references that I wanted to download into Endnote. The fix is not in Zotero settings, it's in the Mac OS file associations that tell it which software to use to open a specific file extension.

    Navigate in Finder to any RIS file. Right click on the file and select Get Info. Under Get Info. locate where it says Open With and select Endnote X7. Then where it says "Use this application to open all documents like this one," select Change All and it will now use Endnote for opening all RIS files.

    Note that if you ever have an RIS file you want to open in Zotero you can still right click on that file and use the Open With command to select Zotero or another app for a single instance.
  • Hi all, longtime Procite, Endnote, Refworks user here, new to Zotero. Adam's question is like one long ago. The solution is simple and is in the documentation. In Firefox or your browser implementatiosn of Zotero, click on Z, go to the Gear at left of the window. Click Preferences. Under Miscellaneous, uncheck Use Zotero for downloaded files. After that, you will find that Endnote will once again be able to grab your search from EBSCO or other databases, but if you need to use Zotero, just download the file and import it. If you want to work intensively in Zotero again, just recheck it. I may be wrong, I'm a real newbie.
  • yeah, that'll do in Firefox. When using Standalone, you may have to do what kim writes (or the corresponding thing on your OS).
  • I am having the opposite problem. End note is grabbing all my cite downloads and zotero is not.I have the use zotero to download cheeked in preferences. Any ideas?
  • schwarr5: Are you referring to intercepting RIS downloads or to opening RIS files on disk? If the former, the server has to send the file a specific correct way, and if you provide an example we can check that — but also you should almost never need to use that feature and should instead use Zotero's address bar icon when available. If the latter, you'll have to adjust your system file handling settings.
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