JSTOR translator is broken completely
Due to a recent site re-design.
Ticket created here:
Until this is fixed the recommended work-around is to use
Export Citation --> RIS (Endnote, ProCite, Reference Manager)
Ticket created here:
Until this is fixed the recommended work-around is to use
Export Citation --> RIS (Endnote, ProCite, Reference Manager)
Thanks to ajlyon for the quick fix.
So, part of my problem is that my workplace restricts which software I can use (please don't tell me to update; I can't.) I have Firefox 5.3.2 in a locked down mode where I must specify individual third-party cookies--JSTOR is specified, and worked previously, and works incorrectly for the single article without generating an error. I have Zotero 1.0.10.
I have clicked on "Update Now" next to translators in Preferences repeatedly, and it tells me I'm up to date. Is it possible that the translators are not actually updating? How could I check? Are there good instructions for updating the translator file manually? (I may be missing something, but I don't see a "translators" directory in my Zotero profile.)
Any help on fixing this would be much appreciated!
Zotero 1.0 isn't supported anymore, so if you don't want to/can't update to 2.0 you're pretty much on your own. There is no translator folder in 1.0.
Sorry, but there are very limited capacities and supporting versions that have been outdated for almost a year now is just beyond what is possible here.
(Sadly, a lot of the documentation doesn't say which version(s) of Zotero it applies to. An added confusion if we try to do this.)
The translator part of the documentation is not in terribly good conditions, that's true.
In its defense - usually the only people who actually need to know any of this are people actually developing translators and that part is actually being improved
Oh and google "Mordac The Preventer of Information Services" and send a couple of links to your IT people.
edit: Wait - is this the LoC? That adds a whole new layer.
It is possible that some future translator versions will use features that are not supported in Zotero 1.0.x, so it would be good to get the ball rolling with the computer security personnel on moving to slightly newer versions of Firefox and Zotero. If the security people don't like the syncing in Zotero 2.0, that could probably be disabled in a special build of the add-on (that you'd have to create and deploy yourselves, but it might not be that hard to create, especially with some advice from the devs).
Just use JSTOR's export citation function, which their new site design makes easier than ever to use.
With just a click or two more you can use the "export citation" link for any JSTOR article, or list of articles, to add them to Zotero. Zotero just intercepts the RIS file and imports the items.
And especially thanks to Trevor for explaining that workaround to me! When I saw the more shorthand version up at the top I assumed that "export citation" was a feature of Zotero 2.x that I didn't have... but yes, it works! I'll share around that information immediately.
I would suggest a bit more info somewhere on the Zotero site about the status of 1.0.10--right now there's a download from the front page, but not real info on what that does or doesn't get you in terms of support, or features for that matter. I'm not finding anything else obvious under FAQs or documentation, either. Is there a version release date history somewhere, or info on what is/was supported? I realize the desirable situation is that everyone always have the most updated version of the browser and Zotero, but reality doesn't allow that. (Yes, I still have IE6 on my computer at work, too.)
edit: changelog is here: http://www.zotero.org/support/changelog
After deleting these, Zotero recognizes JSTOR items again. What I find in Zotero settings now, is this proxy value:
Dan, these proxy URIs change due to internal Penn library changes, right? What should a user do in such a case? Should we, as I did, find the offending proxies and delete them by hand?
Thanks, mutlu
If the correct port number is unpredictable, there's no way Zotero can know it and use the correct one.
JSTOR import seems broken for me at the University of Toronto.
The library here is generating a link like so: http://www.jstor.org/sici?origin=sfx:sfx&sici=0003-1224(198202)47:1<114:TCOIMS>2.0.CO;2-D
If I go to the article's "stable URL" here: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2095046 it gets recognized properly by Zotero.
Any clue how to fix this (other than having to go to the stable URL for all my JSTOR-sourced things, which is frustrating since JSTOR doesn't make the stable URL hyperlinked *sigh*)