New England Journal of Medicine Broken

Hi all, the New England Journal of Medicine recently re-designed their website and as a result the translator no longer works. It previously was using the Highwire Press translator I believe.

The icon to add the entry no longer shows up in the url bar. Here is an example article:
  • According to an FAQ on the NEJM website, they have moved from Highwire to a platform called Atypon. Unfortunately, we don't yet have a translator for Atypon journals. This is likely a fairly high priority, but I don't know when one will be ready.
  • At least for NEJM, there is an import citation link on each page so it should be "relatively" easy to get that. I'd be happy to contribute, but I barely know where to start.
  • At this time, you can already import references from the website into Zotero by clicking in the "Tools" box (upper right on NEJM) on "Download Citation". Several of the formats then offered in a small pop up (RIS, EndNote, Bibtex, Reference Manager) work fine to import into Zotero; I recommend to click on "EndNote" as this gave the most clean Zotero entry.
    You then have to manually add any abstract, PDF or other material from to the new Zotero entry by clicking on the paper clip in Zotero and choose "Attach ..." as appropriate. (This is similar for example to, from which Zotero also does not import the abstract automatically, as far as I know.)
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