Endnote reference field conversion: any changes since 2008?

Hello, all

My boss wants me to work with Endnote, since the rest of our research group uses it. With all due respect I don't like it, and would like to continue working with Zotero.

This would be only possible, if there was a way to convert Endnote-referenced Word documents into Zotero-referenced ones. I've found a few posts from 2008 saying that this feature, field conversion, is planned. Any progress on that? Perhaps, alternative solutions?

The goal is to be able to collaborate with other people, who use Endnote. Basically, they do not care if my references are in Zotero, but on my end I do need to convert their Endnote references into a single (Zotero) standard.
  • nope - no collaboration feature is anywhere near in sight, sorry. If you have to collaborate with Endnote users on a document you're stuck with Endnote.
  • a way to convert Endnote-referenced Word documents into Zotero-referenced ones. I've found a few posts from 2008 saying that this feature, field conversion, is planned.
    Note that discussion around this was for conversion from Endnote to Zotero, but not back. Converting Endnote references to Zotero is not on a short-range map, but actual round-trip collaboration between the two programs is even more distant.
    on my end I do need to convert their Endnote references into a single (Zotero) standard.
    If you only need to convert in this single direction, doing it manually is not terrible. It is tedious, but short.

    The closest thing to a work-around that I can think of that would work with both tools is the RTF Scan feature.
  • I suppose I could collect and manage my library in Zotero, then export it periodically to Endnote, and get it into Word from there. Just to be able to have EndNote compatible word documents.

    I wonder if this is safe strategy, like what will happen if a source gets updated in Zotero.
  • If you go that route nothing would happen if a source was updated in Zotero. Once you export to Endnote you would manage those references in Endnote. Do keep in mind that exporting to Endnote will involve data loss. RIS is not a particularly robust specification for data.
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