Zotero not building bibliography

I have a problem where I pasted text into a new Microsoft Office 2007 Word document to start a new paper and Zotero (v2.0.3,WinWord Integration v3.0a4) does not generate a bibliography because it does not think there are any citations; however, there were citations pasted into the new documents (they have Zotero field codes, i.e., they're gray when moused over).

Any suggestions on how I can get Zotero to work so that it recognizes the citations and builds a bibliography?
  • have you tried inserting a citation into the new document before pasting?
  • Yes, but when I try to generate a bibliography it only includes that one citation I inserted and nothing more. I have around 40 references so it would be tedious to go back and re-insert each instance of the citations to generate the bibliography.
  • Where did you copy them from? What do the fields show when you select them, right-click them, and select Toggle Field Codes?
  • I copied them from my PhD dissertation, which I completed last year.
    Thanks for suggesting I Toggle Field Codes. Although I've used a Zotero on a few papers, it seems that I had not converted from EndNote when I wrote my disseration.
    The field codes are ADDIN EN.CITE instead of ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM
    I really appreciate your help and apologize for this oversight.
  • that's good to know - it's very important that this feature works reliably in Zotero (which it does).

    You're unfortunately pretty much stuck, though, there is an older relevant thread here:
    but nothing has moved on this front and I think unless some former Endnote user gets tired and writes a script it is unlikely that it will in the future.
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