Creating a bibliography

When creating a bibliography, I have recently noticed that imported references from the SUDOC (the French Academic Union Catalogue) appear with information like the URL of the source, even for books.
Ex. :
Nemerow NL. Stream, lake, estuary, and ocean pollution [Internet]. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1991 [cité 2010 Jun 15]. Available from:

Articles ahead of print in Pubmed also mention such information. The fact is that the URL does not refer to the online journal, but just to the webpage in Pubmed :
Maher CA, Evans KA, Sprod JA, Bostock SM. Factors influencing postural management for children with cerebral palsy in the special school setting. Disabil Rehabil [Internet]. 2010 Jun 8 [cité 2010 Jun 15];Available from:

Is there a possibility to prevent this unnecessary information from appearing in bibliographies ?

Thanks !
  • as far as I am aware, it should not appear for books, are they stored as a "journal article"? if a journal article has no pages, the url is given, because it is assumed that it is an online journal. There is also an option in preferences/styles for this.
  • two different issues here:
    The first one is a translator issue: Zotero shouldn't write the library catalogue URL into the URL field. Manually delete the URL and post this as a bug report in the translator section of the forum

    The second one is a bit more tricky - for Journal Articles Zotero's default is to print the URL if no page range is given. I'd make sure that there is no page range for that article. If there is, I'd just insert it manually. Otherwise, once again, I'd delete the URL manually.
  • Adam is right, it was an error to use the url field to store the sudoc's record url. I've updated the translator to store the url into an attachment (and to make it work again, as changes to sudoc had broken the translator). The new version has been uploaded on zotero-dev, should be pushed to users where commited by zotero team.
  • how to generate call no in bibliography through zotero
  • Can we get call number in bibliography while generating it
  • not currently possible, no.
  • Hello,
    I've the same problem : the sudoc's record url being stored in the url field, many styles consider the record as an electronic ressource.
    example for a print book French style :
    Barthélémy l’Anglais. Le traité des couleurs [En ligne]. édité par Michel Salvat. Lyon : Éd. du Cosmogone, 2011, 90 p. (« Compendium [Texte imprimé]. - Lyon : Éd. du Cosmogone, 2011- ; 5 »). Disponible
    sur : URL < > [consulté le 10 juillet 2012]. ISBN 2-8103-0072-0.
    Is there something new considering the comment by symac : The new version has been uploaded on zotero-dev... july 2010 ?
    Thanks a lot. I really appreciate and want to keep working with zotero.
  • That's been a regression since - Sylvain fixed this two years ago, but it got written in again during a translator update, I'll get to this asap.
  • Sylvain fixed this (again) - thanks, the translator is up, Zotero will auto-update within 24hs or you can update immediately from the general tab of the Zotero preferences.
  • Thanks to Sylvain, the problem was fixed promptly. Thanks again for your great job.
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