APSA Style - Word 2010 Plugin - Sorting Multiple Authors

when I use the APSA style and enter multiple authors, no button appears in the word plugin that allows me to sort these authors alphabetically. This button magically appears in some styles and not others. I've tried messing with the CSL code to get that button to appear but have had no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • edited June 27, 2010
    put thise
    <key macro="author-short"/>
    <key macro="year-date"/>

    in the citation section, right after
    <option name="disambiguate-add-givenname" value="true"/>

    should that be part of the style? Should APSA citations be ordered alphabetically by default? (if at all possible with link to guidelines).

    Edit: Fixed above code
  • Thanks for the quick response. It seems to me that it should be part of the style. According to this, ASPA citation should be ordered alphabetically by default:
  • thanks - fixed on the repository -
    also note the small fix in the post above - it should be year-date not issued-year - this will only be relevant for multiple works by the same author in the same citation, but still...
  • Silly question, but I couldnt' find the changed file in the repository. Could you send me a link to the place where you posted this.

    Thank you so, so much for your help. I was just about to quit Zotero because of this and I've been using it for a long time.
  • edited June 27, 2010
    It will eventually appear as
    sometimes takes a couple of hours up to 24 - usually much less, though.
    It would appear be in the lower part of the forum under the developer styles, not up at the top.
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