Capitalize author names

I need help to change citation style.
I need to capitalize the author names, except "and" which combine author names.
I created this style. e.g. FRANCARDI, V., DE SILVA, J., PENNACCHIO, F., AND ROVERSI P. F. 2009
However, I need this style. e.g. FRANCARDI, V., DE SILVA, J., PENNACCHIO, F., and ROVERSI P. F. 2009

Thank you in advance for your help.
  • This is not possible in Zotero 2.0. It will be possible in Zotero 2.1, which is a ways down the road.
  • edited June 17, 2010
    well, if you want to do "small caps", that should be possible, as in the style "DIN 1505-2 (author-date) " ... i hope i understood and that is roughly what you mean :)


    well, it seems i didnt get it right! Also this small caps thins makes the "and" etc. in caps..., sorry.
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