Deleting Items from Group Library

Items that I thought were deleted still appear in the Group Library (visible on and take up storage space, even though they don't appear on my Zotero pane. I can see a trash can for My Library on the Zotero pane but that doesn't include items from the Group Libraries. How do I delete, for good, items in the Group Library (most of them are large pdfs that were mistakenly put up twice, for example).

Under Zotero Settings, Storage, there is a button that says Purge Storage: Purge Files from Personal Library. What does that do?

  • How do I delete, for good, items in the Group Library
  • Thanks -- you know, I did that. And I read everything about syncing, and changed my preferences to sync with Zotero rather than WebDav and things are still not disappearing in the Group Library after they've been deleted from Zotero. Some things did, but not others. Other thoughts or suggestions?
  • changed my preferences to sync with Zotero rather than WebDav
    This doesn't have anything to do with file sync. All metadata goes through the Zotero servers.
    things are still not disappearing in the Group Library after they've been deleted from Zotero. Some things did, but not others.
    You'll have to be more specific than that. Zotero doesn't do partial syncs—it's all or nothing—so unless there's some bug that's causing this (which you would be the first person to report), I'd recommend taking another look at whether data is syncing and whether you're looking in the right place.
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