translator issue/proxy server/google scholar/wiley/jstor/...

i get translator error messages when trying to grab a collection of references from google scholar while surfing via my university's proxy server.
similar error messages appear also when trying to grab single references from the adress bar on wiley interscience, jstor, ... not sure which others but i ran into those two today.
  • link to instructions on the proxy server:
    i know next to nothing about proxy servers, so cannot say what type it is etc. sorry...
  • what error messages?
    Send an Error report ID:

    also, see here:
  • edited May 27, 2010
    What happens is:
    - I login to my university proxy server from home
    - I go to google scholar via the proxy server and do a search
    - first 10 search results appear, Zotero folder icon appears in address bar
    - when i click the icon, a zotero error message appears "could not save item" bladibla "check known translator issues"
    - I checked - none of them seemed to apply
    - I did the troubleshooting, which is how I ended up here (but I forgot to send an error report, sorry)

    Error report ID: 1438748365

  • but without the proxy, google scholar works?
    Why are you logging into google with the proxy? I thought the specific google options for a library could just be set under scholar preferences?

    Could you paste a sample google scholar search results - just as you see it in the URL bar - here?
  • edited May 27, 2010
    yes, without the proxy all of it works perfectly - i thought it was on and off at first but after more than half a year I have finally realised it consistently doesn't work through the proxy and (virtually) always works without the proxy.

    => i have this problem mainly for collections of references, but also for individual references in some search engines
    - on google scholar there are only collections: I get the error report as soon as I click the folder icon in the url bar, i never even get the window in which you can normally
    - on science direct i see the grab collection icon in the URL bar (the folder), but as soon as I click it, same as with google, i get the error message . individual references from the abstract page: same thing, i see the icon, but as soon as I click it there is an error message
    - on wiley interscience i can grab individual references (from the abstract page of the document) but not collections (in a list of search results). the process is different than with google/sciencedirect: in wiley, I do get a window with a list of references, i can tick the boxes of which references i want to grab, but then when I confirm, i get the same error message as the ones before
    - jstor is different yet again - in jstor it is impossible to grab collections of references (from a list of search results) anyway [whether I go there with or without proxy no folder icon appears in the URL bar]. it is possible to grab individual references from the article abstract page without the proxy, but when i go there through the proxy the icon appears but i cannot grab the reference - as soon as i click the icon in the URL bar, i receive the same error message as before.
    the reason I want to be able to log into the proxy first and surf to google scholar (or any other website where I grab my references) from there, is because if I do not, I cannot download the full-text pdfs at the same time.

    right now, I have to have one firefox window open to download the references (without proxy server) and another window, in which I do the exact same search, to be able to download the full-text pdfs (via the proxy server). it works but it would be handy not to have to do double searches.

    Sample copypasted from URL bar=,

    In the URL bar I see the words "" in a blue bar before the ",DanaInfo etc etc etc"

    sorry this is getting so complicated but thanks for trying to help anyway!

  • edited June 6, 2010
    Hi. The translator for Google Scholar has stopped working. The folder icon appears, but when you click it the list of articles does not appear. Instead the red box appears with the message "Could not save item. An error occurred while saving this item. Check Known Translator Issues for more information."

    I hope this can be fixed. It worked a couple days ago. Thanks!
  • no it hasn't stopped to work globally. Either this is specific to your setting or it is specific to your search results - provide a URL where it doesn't work.
    Also try after disabling all extensions.

    Then send an error report. Since some of the people helping with translators can't see those, it might help if you can also identify and post the relevant part of the error (the one that has googlescholar.js or so in it.)
  • Hi Adam.
    I disabled all non-Zotero extensions. Here's a url where it isn't working for me:

    How do you generate an error report?

  • Sorry. I ran update on the add-ons, it updated Zotero and it works fine now.

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