Firefox w/ Zotero highly unstable - what debug info to collect?

I am experiencing a /lot/ of Firefox crashes while using OpenOffice integration.
By 'crash,' I mean that Firefox stops responding or updating its X window and has to be killed and restarted. This happens most often when adding a reference in Firefox and (somewhat) less often while adding citations in OO. Turning off autosync may have improved things slightly, but only slightly if at all.

I am having difficulty locating a list of useful debug information I could be collecting. What is most helpful to the developers?

I am running Firefox 3.6.3, Zotero 2.03 and OpenOffice 3.2.0 under Ubuntu 10.04.
  • are you using Bookmarks or ReferenceMarks in Open Office?
    If you're using Bookmarks, that's likely the reason - the Ubuntu Ooo doesn't work with bookmarks- there are some recent threads on this, installing Ooo for Linux from the Ooo page seems to fix this - it's the Ubuntu Ooo version that's broken.

    Otherwise, it's probably worthwhile to enable the Zotero log for a while:
    Note that you shoud _not_ put the output here - have a look yourself and/or send it to Zotero directly from the window.
  • I'm using ReferenceMarks.
    Thanks for the link.
  • It appears that the pdfinfo step is where the hang is occurring. I can't send a report "directly from the window" because Firefox is too far gone even to update its window (i.e. the contents of another window on top of Firefox's remain visible within Firefox's window area even after the other window is removed).
    "running pdfinfo..." is the last line in the debug output.
  • Sounds like I'm getting this error:
    I shall experiment further...
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