Highlighted text cannot be saved


I can highlight a saved Html file (i.e snapshot), but all the highlighted text cannot be saved after closing or leaving the url such as zotero://attachment/120/

How can I solve this problem?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

My environment is as follows:
Windows XP SP3, Firefox 3.6.3, Zotero 2.0.3
  • I am having the same problem with both highlights and annotations.
    The environment is the same as above: Windows XP SP3, Firefox 3.6.3, Zotero 2.0.3

    I have tried the following, but highlights and annotations are lost in all cases. Also, the date added and date modified of the Item in Zotero is not modified.

    1) Close Firefox saving all tabs including the tab showing the annotated and highlighted attachment. (Gone)

    2) Open an Item in a new tab, highlight & annotate, close the tab. Open a new tab, "view Snapshot" in that tab. (Gone)

    3) Close Firefox saving all tabs including the tab showing the annotated and highlighted attachment. Reboot. (Gone)
  • I have the same issue. Very very annoying, cos I spend hours reading and marking and now its all gone!
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