Installation on SuSE (Linux) error

I have followed most, if not all of the troubleshooting tips that I found when I searched for "Linux Installation", and I keep getting the same error message:

"Zotero OpenOffice Integration could not complete installation because an error occurred. Please ensure that OpenOffice is closed, and then restart Firefox."

I even followed the directions by closing all OpenOffice items first, then attempting to Install Zotero. I got the same error message.

I am using OpenSUSE 11.2 and Firefox 3.5.9 for OpenSUSE. I'm using OpenOffice 3.1.1 as my word processor.

It occurred to me to also note that the problem does seem to be in OpenOffice. Zotero is present in Firefox.

Any suggestions as to what else I can do to fix Zotero on my end? Many thanks for your suggestions.
  • Is it to be assumed that there is no help on this topic yet? I'm still trying to get Zotero to work on Linux, which from what I can tell from other documentation and forums, it does.

    Please, if anyone has any suggestions for me to try, I'm willing to poke around.
  • if you search the forums I vaguely remember some issues that were related particularly to OpenSUSE - I don't think they ever got solved.
    Zotero works fine and out of the "box" in various Ubuntu and Kubuntu builds - I'm sure it works on other distros, too - there is no reason why it shouldnt - but I haven't seen any reports from users.
  • Possibly you have a wrong version of java installed. Please have a look at this discussion. In short, you should check in Yast that you have Sun Java 1.6 (or higher) installed and not openjdk/icedtea...
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