Multiple Citation numbering unpredictable, wrong

  • edited April 17, 2010
    Edit: adamsmith beat me to it.
    Smith (2009) blah blah...
    I've been inserting the citation and then manually changing it to the example above.
    Assuming you want some citations to like "Interesting fact (Smith, 2009)" and some to look like "Smith (2009) described the..." you want to use the "suppress author" button in the add citation dialog. This will produce "(2009)", and you manually add the "Smith".
  • Thanks so much, guys. I wish I'd posted here before, would have been a lot easier (;
  • edited June 3, 2010
    Going back to the issue of wrongly numbered citations.
    I had a lot of trouble with sorting multiple citations in Vancouver style, using Zotero 2.0.3 and WinWord plugin 3.0a3.

    Sorting works occasionally but not when the citations are edited, so I was getting things like "(21,22,7)". I think the problem is in the plugin.
    Looking at the field codes in Word, the correctly sorted citations started with

    { ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM {"sort":true,"citationItems"...

    whereas the unsorted lacked the "sort":true command even though they had the "keep citations ordered" box checked. I managed to correct the sorting by un-checking the box, closing and reopening the "Edit citation" window and then re-checking it. As you can imagine it took ages (but much less than re-entering them all in order).

    Would it be possible to change the plugin to include the "sort":true command by default in all citation field codes, whether they are single/multiple items, edited or not?
  • I have the numbering problem for Chicago style. They are ordered 1 3 5 7 etc. How do I fix this?
  • That's quite unlikely. I'm not sure which Chicago style you're using and how, but assuming you mean Chicago Note and Full note and are using the Word or LO add-on, that just tells Word to insert a footnote. If footnotes in Word aren't numbered consecutively, you'll have to figure out what's going on in Word. In any case, there is no Chicago style for which Zotero does any numbering.
  • Hi. For some reason my Zotero citation insert function, when selecting multiple citations, doesn't individually number each citation. Anyone know how i can fix this?

    ex. 1 von der Maase et al., “Gemcitabine and Cisplatin versus Methotrexate, Vinblastine, Doxorubicin, and Cisplatin in Advanced or Metastatic Bladder Cancer”; Krege et al., “Prospective Randomized Double-Blind Multicentre Phase II Study Comparing Gemcitabine and Cisplatin plus Sorafenib Chemotherapy with Gemcitabine and Cisplatin plus Placebo in Locally Advanced And/or Metastasized Urothelial Cancer”; Skinner et al., “The Role of Adjuvant Chemotherapy Following Cystectomy for Invasive Bladder Cancer.”

    (3 articles all lumped together)
  • That's correct for Chicago Style. If you want individual numbering, use a numeric style like Vancouver or Nature. References will only appear when you click "Insert Bibliography," before that it'll be just numbers.
  • Thanks Adam, am back to work!
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