Citation Style Language 1.0
I'm happy to report that CSL 1.0 has been released:
Zotero support for CSL 1.0 should come with Zotero 2.1. Feel free to use this forum/thread for feedback.
Zotero support for CSL 1.0 should come with Zotero 2.1. Feel free to use this forum/thread for feedback.
Looking forward to working with this.
I am eager to see its implementation in Zotero 2.1 (?)
Perhaps you could generate the term summary from Mercurial?
or something like
(1) entire journal issue (e.g. special issue)
(2) entire conference proceedings.
These are more to collect in my library than to cite--though I could envision citing a special issue of a journal.
PS- Where's the best place to discuss terms, etc.?